Merbau Wood for Doors and Other Furniture

It is included in the superior wood category; the use of merbau wood for doors and windows has been carried out for a long time. Although the price is quite high, this type of wood is quite popular with enthusiasts because of its quality in supporting the strength and safety of the building. Are you one of the users of Merbau wood doors or furniture?

Many types of wood can be used as the basic material for doors, windows, and furniture. Among the many choices, have you ever wondered why Merbau never runs out of fans? Let’s find out the reason as well as complete insight into this special wood by listening to the following facts about merbau wood for the door:

The Origin of Merbau Wood

This wood comes from the Merbau tree, which grows and is cultivated in many areas in Indonesia, including the islands of Java, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Maluku, and Papua. The life cycle and characteristics of the tree are considered special, so it was appointed as the national tree in Malaysia.

Ipil, or Merbau are part of the Fabaceae family with hard and durable wood properties but still easy to shape. This is what makes merbau wood suitable for home furnishings, bridges, construction supports, and others. This wood is even considered the right alternative to replace the use of teak wood.

Characteristics of Merbau Wood for Doors and Other Uses

Merbau wood has a relatively rough texture, with wood fibers that cross straight or even irregularly. Wood color is dominated by brownish yellow, reddish brown, or blackish brown. The color of this wood is almost the same as teak, with almost the same quality. The older the tree, the stronger and better the quality of the wood produced. You can adjust the use of this hardwood to make various types of crafts and furniture raw materials.

Variety of Uses of Merbau Wood

Merbau is a prima donna in the world of crafts and woodworking business. The level of hardness and durability of wood is very high, making it suitable as a pillar for the construction of houses and buildings.

Resistant to Weathering and Damage

Merbau wood has quite a lot of fans, even though the price of this wood-based product is quite high. The reason is that wooden doors made of merbau, or other furniture products, have a high resistance to weathering and damage due to weather changes. Doors, windows, and other furniture will also be more durable so that the period of use can last longer.

With certain drying techniques, the size and volume of the wood can remain stable so that the potential for damage due to shrinkage and physical development of the wood can be maximally prevented. Merbau wood is also very strong, so termites and fungi cannot attack it. But it also depends on the technique of drying and treating the wood after it is harvested.

Prices are more Affordable than Teak

Even though it is a premium class wood, the price of merbau wood is more friendly when compared to teak wood. So, when you want to have luxury furniture but limited funds, there is no need to force yourself to buy furniture from teak wood. Because there is another alternative whose quality remains competitive, but the price is more economical, namely Merbau wood.

A more economical price of wood is a natural thing because the raw materials are abundant. You don’t even have to wait long to get various crafts from merbau wood because the products are available in abundance in the market with varying quality. For this reason, you still have to be selective in choosing a good merbau wood product, adjusted to your budget and taste.

merbau wood door furniture indonesia

Status in International Trade

International official institutions say this wood falls into the category of appendix II. That is, the wood comes from species that are not endangered. Even so, the extraction of raw wood materials from the forest must be controlled so that tree species are not threatened with extinction. Regulatory support is needed to preserve the Merbau tree and other tree species.

To strive for the sustainability of Merbau wood, the government developed a special trading system so that any type of timber trade must pass a certification system first. This means that the production of raw materials must carry the principles of environmental sustainability and selective logging and have legal status in the eyes of the law.

Lack of Merbau Wood for Doors and Other Furniture

The hard nature of wood makes the process quite difficult, even having to use special tools or greater power. Although wood can still be shaped and carved, this woodworking will usually be done by expert craftsmen so that the results are maximum.

Those are some interesting facts about merbau wood for doors and other craft raw materials. I hope this information is useful for you.